University of Camagüey implements Program for the Advancement of Women


The Camagüey institution -with approximately ten chairs that contribute to specific studies- provides concrete results in the social development of the city and in the diagnosis of the main problems that exist today in the city
University of Camagüey implements Program for the Advancement of Women
Foto: Periódico Guerrillero

Camagüey, Cuba, Oct 2nd.- The University of Camagüey Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz is one of the leading educational centers within the province in the training of professionals, in addition, has an essential role in the implementation of all social and economics that drive the development of the territory.

Such is the case of the implementation in the main municipality of the National Program for the Advancement of Women, as well as the topics related to gender and equity, which have spaces for research in several of the postgraduate courses that the house of high studies has.

The Master of Science Gladia Rodríguez Gamboa, dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, points out that families diagnosed as vulnerable and work in communities with complex situations are also the focus of several investigations carried out in the first university created after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution.

The Camagüey institution -with approximately ten chairs that contribute to specific studies- provides concrete results in the social development of the city and in the diagnosis of the main problems that exist today in the city.

By Daylén Fenollar Alemán/Radio Camagüey