The continuity of studies in Camagüey is ensured


In the recently completed school calendar, the Ministry of Education praised Camagüey’s advances in the productive teaching strategy that is implemented in the Horacio Cobiella Polytechnic Institute of Services, in the municipality of Camagüey, and the Mártires de Pino 3 Agricultural Farm, in Jimaguayú, in addition to the use of 252.7 hectares of land for various crops
The continuity of studies in Camagüey is ensured

Camagüey, Cuba, Jul 20th.- The eight thousand 500 sixth grade students and the seven thousand 218 ninth grade students who concluded the 2022-2023 school year, in the province of Camagüey, have guaranteed continuity of studies at the middle basic and middle level, respectively.

This was confirmed by Mercedes Escuredo Olazábal, director of Education in the territory, while pointing out teacher training as one of the priorities, for which the granting of pedagogical positions was increased to 150 percent to cover the need for teachers in this demarcation.

As for the 2,197 twelfth grade graduates, more than 80 percent will enter higher education, and among them the 447 that will do so directly through university colleges, national competitions, and the first Ignacio Agramonte Cup, in addition to other careers awarded by prioritized organizations.

When summarizing the work of the sector in the school period, he recognized the results of the Provincial Training Center of the Máximo Gómez Báez Vocational Pre-University Institute of Exact Sciences (IPVCE, Spanish Acronym), which has placed the province among the first places at the country level with the constitution of a national pre-selection made up of 16 students who have participated in international events.

On the other hand, professional improvement, he pointed out, influenced the quality of the educational teaching process with the integration of 3,563 teachers to courses by meetings and the training of 39 in doctoral programs.

He added that in the recently completed school calendar, the Ministry of Education praised Camagüey’s advances in the productive teaching strategy that is implemented in the Horacio Cobiella Polytechnic Institute of Services, in the municipality of Camagüey, and the Mártires de Pino 3 Agricultural Farm, in Jimaguayú, in addition to the use of 252.7 hectares of land for various crops as part of the National Plan for Food Sovereignty and Nutritional Education.

About the pedagogical coverage, Escuredo Olazábal explained that the completion of only 88.9 percent forced the sector to use different alternatives through contracts, the increase in the workload and the teacher-student relationship, in addition to the support of the 140 university students of the Educando por Amor Movement.

The deficit, estimated at about 1,300 teachers, will demand greater vocational training and professional guidance actions in the next school year to strengthen the Basic Secondary, Pre-university and Polytechnic levels, the most affected in the demarcation.